The Invisalign Process


Invisalign Costs

A course of Invisalign at our practice can range between $4000 and $7500. The cost for a full case is $7500, whilst cases can have a lower cost if movements are minor or if only the upper or lower teeth are involved. Importantly, our cost structure does not involve any surprises. The cost of retainers are included in our prices, as are refinement aligners (if required).

What is involved in the process?

  • Consultation - a discussion with one of our providers to see if Invisalign is right for you. This can be completed along with a dental examination if required. Record taking (the next step) can sometimes be completed on the same day if desired.

  • Record taking - we typically take an x-ray, a digital scan of your teeth and some photos. These are then uploaded to generate a digital simulation of your teeth and smile, so that we can evaluate your treatment options more fully. Up to this point, there is no commitment to proceed, but there is a ‘scanning and simulation fee’ of $500. This is put towards the overall treatment costs if you do proceed (ie. not an extra cost).

  • Clincheck visit - a short visit where we present your treatment simulation, showing ‘before’ and ‘after’ projections as well as an estimate of treatment length. This usually takes place 2 weeks after the record taking. Following this presentation, you can either commit to treatment or simply consider.

  • Starting with aligners - usually takes place three weeks after the Clincheck visit and committing to start. Aligners are changed every 7-14 days (as discussed with your provider). Reviews are scheduled periodically during your aligner sequence.

  • Refinement aligners - a second series of aligners are often required to refine and finish straightening movements, especially in cases with more crowding.

  • Retainers - fixed and/or removable retainers are used at the completion of your alignment, in order to make sure the teeth stay straight and minimise the chance of relapse over time.

Want to know more?

A consultation with one of our experienced Invisalign providers can answer any more detailed questions you might have and discuss whether Invisalign might be appropriate for your unique situation. We have compiled a FAQs page for some of the more common questions we get.