Invisalign FAQs

  • How long will it take to straighten my teeth with Invisalign? Every Invisalign plan in unique and tailored to the individual. Many courses of treatment take between 6-12 months, although some movements occur more quickly and some take longer. A treatment time estimate can be made at your ClinCheck appointment.

  • How many hours a day do I need to wear the aligners for? Aligners should typically be worn for around 22 hours each day. They can be taken out when eating but are ideally in at other times.

  • How does Invisalign compare with traditional braces? Traditional braces and Invisalign represent different ways of achieving the same goal. Each can have advantages depending on the case, but typically their costs and treatment timeframes are similar. Invisalign are obviously a lot less visible and can be removed for cleaning, whereas braces are fixed in place.

  • Will my teeth stay straight after my alignment is completed? Teeth are always prone to re-crowding after straightening is competed, especially in the first couple of years. Establishing a long-term plan for retention is important to minimize the chance of relapse occurring.

  • Can I see a specialist orthodontist for my Invisalign treatment? Yes, absolutely. Many specialist orthodontists also offer Invisalign treatment. We work closely with several orthodontists and can arrange a referral if you have a case that we think this is best.

  • Will there be extra cost for my retainers or if I need a course of refinement aligners? No, unlike some other providers, our plans include these costs in total. Any variance to our plans is very rare.

    As always, you can contact us with any questions you might have or ask one of our providers at your consultation visit.