Digital Dentistry

At Dentists of Alphington, we believe in providing the most comfortable dental experience possible. We like to stay at the forefront of the latest innovations in dental technology, whilst also utilizing tried and true methods.


The Wand

The Wand is a computer-assisted anaesthetic delivery system and is the perfect alternative to traditional dental injections. With its pen-like appearance, the device is far less intimidating  and far more comfortable than a traditional needle. It works by delivering the anaesthetic in a slow, controlled, reproducible manner, which is often below the threshold for pain. Combined with the use a numbing gel, The Wand makes receiving dental treatment as pain-free as possible.

Dr. Natasha has been using The Wand for many years now and finds that all patients, not just those with dental anxiety, appreciate the lack of collateral numbness and the relatively gentle manner in which the anaesthetic is delivered.

Trios Intra-oral Scanner

The intra-oral scanner eliminates the need for dental impressions or dental molds. The scanner takes 3D images of your teeth and sends them directly to our computer, enabling us to 3D print models of your teeth. This enables us to create dental appliances, such as crowns, implant crowns, mouth guards, splints and dentures.

Our patients find the process less invasive than traditional impressions and it is especially useful for those that have a strong gag-reflex.

Digital X-rays

Radiographs are an invaluable diagnostic tool to ensure that we can see between your teeth and underneath the surface.

All radiographs taken at our practice are digital, meaning that we can keep the dosage as low as possible.

We have slim-line intra-oral sensors in various sizes to try to keep you as comfortable as possible.

We also have an extra-oral OPG machine onsite. This enables us to take a panoramic view to screen for impacted teeth, cysts and other pathology.